Thursday, November 19, 2009


Welcome to my blog. The purpose for this blog is to speak out in opinions of a certain referee who will remain anonymous. Reason being. He worries about retaliation from others who can hurt his career as a referee. I am high up there, not FIFA, but I do not do youth weekend in and weekend out. Let's just say I am between a 6 and a 3.

I have seen the politics of soccer. I have been a part of politics whether I wanted to or not. When the politics work, it works well for me. And when it is against me, well it really sucks to be me.

Mind you if you are a referee, you may get jaded on what I write. That's fine. But try to keep an open mind when you read this.

The opinions are my opinions alone based on observations and experiences. You may not agree with them and that is what makes America a great place to live. The right to disagree. If you do, please share why. You may have a valid argument I never considered.

Until then, consider this my opening whistle.

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