Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Not all assessors are immune

I got from an unnamed but reliable source that 30% of all 2009 assessments were deemed uneatable. Any other year and that would be what I call a high number. However, given the events, I think that number is a bit lower then actual. Unless there is another 30% of all assessments failed.

I also found that being an assessor doesn't necessarily keep you in the "good ol boys club." If the story is true, then he took an honorable way out by stating, "He didn't want to stand in the way of an assessment." Can't help wondering given the dirty play I have seen, if he was given a nudge as to say, "Dude, don't embarrass yourself or waste anyone's time. Just take the emeritus."

A popular clinic in San Francisco is coming up. Wonder how many will show up in an emeritus state.

1 comment:

  1. Off topic... but...

    I read your excellent blogs frequently and would very much like to share our half-hour documentary RÄTTSKIPAREN | THE REFEREE from June 2010 about the Swedish looking-for-trouble-official Martin Hansson with you.

    Here's the link:

    Hope you have interest and time to watch it!


    Mattias Löw.
    Freedom From Choice AB
    PO Box 19569
    SE-104 32 Stockholm
    Phone: +46735053300
